
Natalie Ilsley
PhD, English and American Studies
School of Arts, Languages and Cultures
University of Manchester

Staff Profile

Project Brief

Migration and the Creative Arts: Building Resilience in Stoke-on-Trent
University of Manchester, September 2018 –

My project focuses on narratives of resilience with asylum-seeking and refugee women in Stoke-on-Trent. The project is primarily supervised by Dr Anastasia Valassopoulos and Professor Mariangela Palladino (Keele University).

Funding and Awards

2021-22: NWCDTP Targeted Funding. “South African Modernism as Decolonising Methodology for A-Level English Literature,” part of AHRC-funded project South African Modernism 1880-2020 (PI: Dr Jade Munslow Ong). £4,973.63. (Co-applicant)

2021: MITACS-UKRI Globalink Award “Locating Trauma Through Resilience: Accessing Marginalized Narratives in a Global Pandemic,” 12-week remote placement with Professor Irene Gammel, Director of the MLC Research Centre at Ryerson University, Canada. £9,708.73 UKRI + £846 Mitacs.

2020: The Community Foundation for Staffordshire, Staffordshire Council. Watercolour Workshops with Burslem Jubilee Project and Starfish, Stoke-on-Trent. £2,304.40

2018: AHRC PhD Studentship Award. “Creative Engagement and Displaced Women: Building Resilience in Stoke-on-Trent.” (£12,780 fees, £14,777 maintenance grant per year). AH/L503903/1

2015: Best Dissertation for English for the BA Dissertation in the English Department, Department of Humanities, Keele University.